Generally, most people are not satisfied with the terms of the shape and appearance of the nose. Because being proportional is very important to feel good about himself/herself for the nose and facial features appearance.
With the growing medical and advanced surgical techniques are no longer a problem in this case to be resolved. Because the growing medical technology gives substantially positive results in the nose reduction surgery. In the nose reduction surgery, most attention subject is to breathe comfortably for patients and however attain to most appropriate nose for himself/herself. Nose reduction ( Rhinoplasty) surgery is a serious operation and should be done on the hands of expert surgeons.
Nose reduction surgery takes 1.5 – 2 hours under general anesthesia and the patients feel minimum pain on the postoperative period through the local anesthesia
On the operation process silicone pad is applied which provides you to take breathe comfortably and these silicone pads are taken out following 2 days after the operation and on the 7th day after operation gypsums are taken out. Generally after removal silicone pads and gypsums on the face and nose may consist swellings and these swellings subside within one month after the operation, however, edema disappears within 6 months and after 1-year healing is seen completely.