
What is Microcannular Vaser Liposuction?

Visuality has been a part of our live at any age in different details. While fatness is acceptable at one period, the size zero is the goal at another. Today, aesthetic integrity and harmony is preferable. However, regional fat deposition on which genetic factors also play role may lead to aesthetical problems. If the desired outcome cannot be reached despite diet and intensive exercise, “LIPOSUCTION” which is the most preferred out of all aesthetic surgeries will be the solution. In order to take benefit from the advantages of liposuction, opinions of an aesthetic and cosmetic surgeon should be taken.

The term of liposuction expresses fat extraction with vacuum. It isn’t a treatment method for fatness. It is the procedure of removing regional fats with the help of negative pressure using very thin tubes called cannula. Cannulas are placed within the fatty tissues through very small cuts (2-3 mm) and a special solution is injected to the operation site. After waiting for a short time, fat volume is reduced by withdrawing the fatty tissue very sensitively and evenly. Smoothness is paid attention to depending on competence of the doctor.

At which sites is liposuction practiced?

It could be practiced on abdomen, waist, back, hip line, inner legs, arms, chest, and jowl area.

Should I go under Liposuction?

If you have resistant fats despite diet and exercise and if you are bothered by them, yes, you may have “liposuction”.

What should be paid attention to before the operation?

You had better share all your expectations and concerns with your doctor. During examination, you should reply to any questions to be asked about your general health condition in details and inform your doctor about your past diseases and medications you used and are using. Surgery areas will be determined during your physical examination, your new body shape will be discussed.

How will the operation proceed?

The surgery will be performed at our hospital with sedation + under local or general anesthesia. The approximate duration of the surgery is 1-2 hours, and the duration may change according to the number and size of application sites.

What should be known about anesthesia?

You will be examined and informed by an anesthesia doctor before the liposuction. Blood diluent medications, vitamins and factors affecting anesthesia such as alcohol and smoking should be discontinued starting from the date foreseen by your doctor.

How is the post-operation period?

After the surgery, you may have mild pain but the post-operation process is generally gone through easily with prescribed pain killers. You may need to stay at our hospital for an overnight. Recovery will be fast and marks will disappear in time, because the surgery was performed with 2-3 mm cuts. You will put on a special corset after the operation, it will be helpful to wear the corset for 3 weeks. You will be examined at the 5th day and you will be directed by your for the further period.

Period of returning to the social life after the operation

There may be some bruises at the early stage, this situation will heal rapidly. At the beginning, you may not feel any change in your weight, this is because of the oedema and may last for 20-25 days. You will observe that your body will start shaping in 1.5-2 months. You may return to social life and working life in 1-3 days. With a VelaShape III application (vacuum massage) to start from the 20th day, collagen synthesis will be escalated and recovery process will be faster.

Is it a matter of question to put on weight again after the liposuction?

Gaining weight is of course a matter of question according to nutrition and life conditions, but the body gains volume evenly. No local and apparent accumulations draw attention. Pursuing life with sport and healthy nutrition is crucial in every aspect.