
What is Arm Lift Surgery?

Drooping at arms and deterioration in body symmetry are inevitable depending on factors such as advancing age, putting on and losing weight frequently and gravity, they may not be corrected with exercise. In such cases, if the current situation is increase in fats and secondly the drooping appearance, solution is probable with ‘Vaser Liposuction’ technique. In case of advanced level of drooping, surgical intervention may not be applicable with “liposuction”. The drooping skin is removed by a cut starting from elbow towards armpit. If drooping isn’t much, a “Mini Arm Stretching” surgery is performed through a little cut under the arm.

Should I go under an Arm Lift Surgery?

If you are bothered by the drooping appearance at your arms, YES, you may go under an “Arm Lift Surgery”

What should be paid attention to before the surgery?

You had better share all your expectations and concerns with your doctor. During examination, you should reply to any questions to be asked about your general health condition in details and inform your doctor about your past diseases and medications you use.

How will the surgery proceed?

Your surgery to be performed in our hospital will be carried out under general anesthesia. Its approximate duration may change between 30 minutes to 3 hours as to the type of surgery, you will need to stay at the hospital for an overnight.

What should be known about anesthesia?

You will be examined and informed by an anesthesia doctor before the arm lift surgery. Blood diluent medications, vitamins and factors affecting anesthesia such as alcohol and smoking should be discontinued starting from the date foreseen by your doctor.

Period of returning to the social life after the surgery

After the operation, you may have controllable mild pain, you may need to use a corset for 4 weeks continually. The first medical dressing is applied at the 5th day, there may be numbness, oedema and bruises to recover spontaneously at the early period. It is possible to go back to the working life in one week. LPG, VelaShape III (vacuum massage) are recommended, because they will increase collagen synthesis post-operationally.