

1992 M.D. Degree, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey

1993 Internship,  Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey

1994 Advanced Emergency Medicine Course, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey

2001 Resident in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey

2001 Microsurgery Course, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey

2002 Facial aesthetic surgery workshop, Manhattan ENT center, New York

2004 Postdoc fellow, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

2004 Klein Tümescent Liposuction Course, San Juan Capistrano, CA



2012-2017 Plastic surgeon, Anatomica hospital

2008-2012 Private practice

2006- 2008 Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon, Memorial Hospital İstanbul

2004-2008 Plastic Surgeon, Transmed Aesthetic and hair Surgery Clinic

2003-2004 Postdoc fellow, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

2002-2003 Plastic Surgeon, Department of plastic surgery, Kasimpasa Navy Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

2001-2002 Plastic Surgeon, Chief of military Burn Center, Gülhane Military Medical Academy

1993-1996 Chief Military Doctor, School of Turkish Navy, Istanbul



2000 1st prize in Research Competition of Turkish Society of Surgeons, Izmir, Turkey Plastic

2000 1st prize in Research Competition of Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

2001 1st prize in Research Competition of Turkish Society of Plastic Surgeons, Istanbul, Turkey

2002 Super Achievement Award, Gülhane Military Medical Academy and Health Command

2002 Scientific research support grant of Turkish Armed forces: TGF-1 gene therapy for cranial bone healing.

2002 Scientific research support grant of Turkish Armed forces: TGF-1 gene therapy for local immunosuppression in lower extremity transplantation in rats.

2004 Lead researcher research award and grant. ISHRS.

2004 Team member research award and grant. ISHRS


1993 ECFMG Basic and Clinical Sciences

1993 Medical Doctor Degree

1994 ECFMG Certificate (0- 491- 788- 6)

1994 USMLE Step I and II

2001 Turkish Board of Plastic Surgery

2004 International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)



European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ESHRS)



  • Deveci M., Er E., Sengezer M. Mortality analysis of burns in our burn center. Journal of Society of Turkish Plastic Surgeons 1998 Apr; 12(1): 134-136
  • Sengezer M., Er E., Deveci M., Isik S. Treatment of pediatric maxillofacial traumas: Our clinical experience. Journal of Society of Turkish Plastic Surgeons 2000, 8 (2); 75 – 81
  • Duman H., Er E., Sengezer M. Infection in the late period in a case of zygomatic complex fracture repaired with rigid internal fixation. Journal Gülhane Military Medical Academy 2001; 43(4): 437- 439
  • Isik S., Er E., Nisanci M. Reconstruction of the gunshot injuries of the second ray. Proceedings of the 8th congress of the international federation of societies for surgery of the                     hand 2001; 19-21
  • Isik S., Nisanci M., Er E. Reconstruction of the gunshot injuries of the hand with toe-to hand transfers Proceedings of the 8th congress of the international federation of societies for surgery of the hand 2001; 630-632
  • Nisanci M, Er E, Isik S, Sengezer M. Treatment modalities for post-burn axillary contractures and the versatility of the scapular flap. Burns. 2002 Mar;28(2):177-80.
  • Duman H, Er E, Isik S, Turegun M, Deveci M, Nisanci M, Sengezer M. Versatility of the medial plantar flap: our clinical experience. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002 Mar;109(3):1007-12.
  • Isik S., Er E., Soysal Y., Imirzalioglu N. Prolongation of skin xenograft survival by modified cultured fibroblasts. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2003 Jan;111(1):275-82.
  • Duman H., Er E., Turegun M., Sengezer M., Bilateral free myocutaneous latissimus dorsi flap repair of the upper limb amputation stumps due to electrical injury :A Case Report . Burns. 2003 Feb;29(1):87-91
  • Isik S., Nisanci M., Er E., Duman H. Pseudo-syndactilic toe-to-hand transfers. Plast Plast Reconstr Surg. 2003 Jan;111(1):355-60.
  • Isik S.,Er E., Uygur F., Nisanci M. Repair of thumb abduction contracture by microsurgical transfer of partial toe. Burns. 2002 Aug;28(5):486-9
  • Nisanci M., Er E., Yildiz C., Turegun M., Atesalp S., Sengezer M. Replantation of a crush amputation of distal tibia followed by lengthening with Ilizarov circular external fixator; two year follow-up. Microsurgery. 2002;22(7):295-9.
  • Er E, Ucar C. Reconstruction of axillary contractures with thoracodorsal perforator island flap. Burns. 2005 Sep;31(6):726-30.
  • Er E., Kulahcı M., Hamiloğlu E. In vivo follicular unit multiplication; is it possible to harvest an unlimited donor supply. Dermatologic Surgery 2006 (in press)


National Presentations:

  • Er E., Isik S. Prolongation of skin xenograft survival by modified cultured fibroblasts. 22nd. National Congress of Turkish Plastic Surgeons.
  • Nisanci M., Er E., Isik S. Cross leg medial plantar flap use in heel defects. 22nd. National Congress of Turkish Plastic Surgeons.
  • Sengezer M., Deveci M., Isik S, Er E.,. Treatment of pediatric maxillofacial traumas: Our clinical experience. 22nd. National Congress of Turkish Plastic Surgeons.
  • Duman H., Nisanci M., Er E. Reconstruction of the large abdominal wall defects.23rd. National Congress of Turkish Plastic Surgeons.
  • Duman H., Zor F., Nisanci M., Er E. The main reasons of plate removal following the rigid fixation in maxillofacial traumas. 23rd. National Congress of Turkish Plastic Surgeons.
  • Er E., Isik S., Sengezer M. Allogeneic composite tissue transplantation in dogs by local immunosuppression. 23rd. National Congress of Turkish Plastic Surgeons.
  • Er E., Soysal Y., Imirzalioglu N. Prolongation of skin xenograft survival by modified cultured fibroblasts. 7th national medical biology congress.


International Presentations:

  • Isik S., Sengezer M., Nisanci M., Er E., Bozkurt M. The use of medial plantar flap for late reconstruction of burn complications. Burn and Fire Disaster in the Middle East, September 2000.
  • Deveci M., Sengezer M., Eski M., Bayram Y., Er E. Effects of cerium nitrate bathing vs. Early burn wound excision on IL-6 and TNF-a levels in burned rats. Burn and Fire Disaster in the Middle East, September 2000.
  • Nisanci M., Turegun M., Er E., Kopal C. Treatment modalities in axillary contracture: A new method of scapular flap elevation. Burn and Fire Disaster in the Middle East, September 2000.
  • Isik S., Er E., Nisanci M. Reconstruction of the gunshot injuries of the second ray. 8th congress of the international federation of societies for surgery of the hand, June 2001
  • Isik S., Nisanci M., Er E. Reconstruction of the gunshot injuries of the hand with toe-to hand transfers. 8 th congress of the international federation of societies for surgery of the hand June 2001
  • Isik S., Nisanci M., Er E., Uygur F. Pseudo – syndactilic toe to hand transfer for simultaneous reconstruction of thumb and index finger. 6th Congress of European Societies for Microsurgery June 2002
  • Er E., Isik S., Gül H., Yarim M., Sengezer M. Canine hemifacial composite tissue transplantation by local immunosuppression. 71st annual ASPS/PSEF/ASMS scientific meeting, 2002
  • Totan S, Yuksel E, Echo A, Er E, Amer A, Spira M, Shenaq SM. Heat shock proteins modulates keloid formation. American College Of Surgeons 89th Annual Clinica Congress, October19-23,2003 Chicago,Illinois
  • Er E., Kulahcı M., Hamiloğlu E. Scar concealing without resulting a new scar. 12th Annual scientific meeting of Hair Restoration Surgery. August 11-15,2004 Vancouver,BC,Canada
  • Er E, Kulahcı M, Hamiloğlu E, Cingil H. Transmed graft preserving solution. 12th Annual scientific meeting of Hair Restoration Surgery. August 11-15,2004 Vancouver,BC,Canada
  • Kulahcı M, Er E, Hamiloğlu E. In vivo follicular unit multiplication. 12th Annual scientific meeting of Hair Restoration Surgery. August 11-15,2004 Vancouver,BC,Canada

Special Interests:

  • Liposuction and body contouring
  • Breast augmentation, breast lift, and reduction surgery
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Facial aesthetic surgery
  • Hair transplantation
  • Maxillofacial surgery
  • Extremity reconstructions
  • Gene therapy in plastic surgery
  • Tissue engineering in plastic surgery

Contact Dr. Ergin Er

Clinic Esentepe, Keskin Kalem Sokağı No:1, 34394 Şişli/İstanbul
Phone 555 556 556
Email drerginer@iac-center.com

Working hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 10:00